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Os dejo este último fondo vintage que terminé hace poco. La parejita es la misma que usé en este collage, es una preciosa postal de don Felipe Sérvulo a quien agradezco que me deje usarla.
Es tardísimo y no puedo escribir más hoy :-) Espero que os guste esta parejita vintage tan acaramelada en ese entorno idílico evocador de otra época.
Un beso a todas
"Actúa como si tuvieras fe y te será dada"
Paul Newman
6 comentarios:
Ana, how gorgeous and romantic! Big hugs to you sweetie.
I'm glad to know you like it, dear :-) Thanks, sweetie! xoxo
like your vintage photos and thanks for sharing.
greetings from Ann
Hi, my sweet friend! Oh but you have the most beautiful images -- I just love them all!!! I'm really going to have to use several of them soon; they are just mouth-watering!!!
Thank you so much, sweetie, for all your wonderful comments on my blog! You're are just a sweet-heart; and don't worry, I understand your English just fine! I can read your heart too, my friend, and that's one of the best forms of understanding and communication!
What a pretty blog! So happy to meet you! Following through GFC (-:
Thanks a lot, Audrey, Anneke, Malia, you're so gentle :-) xoxo
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